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RSE (Relationships and Sex Education)

Consultation Process September 2021. 

Parents and carers, governors and the wider teaching staff were all consulted in the formulation of the Cobden RSE Curriculum offer. 

A curriculum overview was explained to parents and carers, curriculum resources were shared including the planned use of images and vocabulary and many specific words and areas of the curriculum were omitted or moved as a result of the feedback. 

Parents attended consultation meetings with Mr Saunders (Headteacher) and Miss Biddles (RSE / PSHE Coordinator) on the following dates and times: 

  • Thursday 16th September 2.30 to 3.30 and 
  • Thursday 16th September 4.30 to 5.30 and
  • Friday 17th September from 3.30 until 4.30.

All feedback was gathered to finalise the attached final version of the RSE Policy that was approved by governors. All curriculum resources were amended to match the agreed policy by Miss Biddles and teachers have been given CPD (Continuous Professional Development) about the changes, the expectations for delivery and the nature of the changes and the resources prepared for the different year groups across the school.

Examples of the Year 5 and Year 6 RSE curriculum (puberty and sex education specific) are included below.  


Year 6 puberty and reproduction

Withdrawal of non-statutory education.


Parents may withdraw children from non-statutory elements of the national curriculum (only). If you feel that you wish to request that your child withdraw from these elements please complete the below form to request a meeting with the headteacher / other member of SLT to discuss (please read the RSE policy carefully)

Non-Statutory curriculum withdrawal document.

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